The Pyramid of Success has long been an integral part of this and many other missions as introduced by Elder Cree-L Kofford, the former Mission President of the New York New York Mission, and subsequently, the Area President of the North America North East Area. It has proved to be a solid base upon which to build a sound Mission. We have found however, that it can been limiting as to our potential, as we stretch our faith, obtain certain "gifts of the spirit", receive miracles and perfect ourselves. As I have prayerfully considered our progress as a mission, and attempt to feel where the Lord would lead us, not in comparison to others, but when comparing ourselves to our own potential, I have arrived at the following variation, outlined at the recent Mission Tour of Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, our current Area President.


Charity - Like Christ


Actively Seek Gifts


Expect Miracles


Powerful Faith


Hope or Vision





Constant Spirituality


Intense Effort


Exact Obedience




In our individual quest for perfection, and eternal life, what better place to begin, than in the spiritually "protected environment" of the mission field. Here, we "forget self" and learn to unselfishly serve others, and thus "serve our God." We have learned through experience, that for a substantial increase in the number of conversions, that obedience must be exact, not justified; that effort must be intense, and not just token; spirituality must be constant, not just temporary; to achieve excellence in all our endeavors. I believe that this level of exactness could well take a mission from an average of 300 to 1,000 baptisms per year. I also refer to this level of personal performance as living the "letter of the Law!" Refer the June 1995 Newsletter.


There are many missionaries throughout the world who believe that through blind obedience to these principles, or as we have come to express, "living within the compound", that they can be successful missionaries, and they are correct. But there is a realm above this level of performance, where we are able to extend our performance. That is where I wish all missionaries to quickly move to, but it takes more effort than imagined. Some may feel that it may not be "worth the effort", and do not wish to venture "beyond the compound", to experience the blessings obtained by living higher laws.


In a city with many who have "little or no hope", we have brought many to now know what hope is. We have achieved this through our vision. We began with believing that we could move from our plateau of 112 average conversions per month in 1994 (1,347 conversions) to "200 and more" for 1995. With 2,073 conversions, we achieved our goal given by President Kimball of "bringing thousands" into the kingdom. Refer the May, 1995 Newsletter. We raised the cross bar to 173 per month, with 224 in November our highest month.


Our vision has been extended even further by Elder Yoshihiku Kikuchi, who said that a general rule of thumb used by the church as to a mission’s potential is 1% of the total population. With a mission population of at least 7.5 million souls, that would be 7,500 conversions per annum, or 625 per month. We currently have set as an interim step, reaching for 300 in one month. This has been achieved by the California Arcadia Mission, in two months of 1995. Many outside the mission are praying for us to achieve that interim step, but it requires us all to believe that we can achieve that, with the Lord’s help, and to work to bring it about, all at the same time. Remember "Vision without work is dreaming, and work without vision is drudgery."


We then move to exercising powerful faith. I refer you to the September, November and December 1995 Newsletters concerning this most important principle. As the gift of faith is bestowed upon us, based upon our righteousness, we then can learn to "expect miracles" from on high. Miracles are outward signs that the truth has been restored, and these follow the exercise of "powerful faith." It is my belief that if we follow vision, exercise faith and daily witness miracles, then a mission is able to lift it’s level of performance, with the Lord’s help from 1,000 to 2,000 conversions each year. We have demonstrated that.


Following service, obedience and faith, certain "gifts of the spirit" are bestowed upon man. Many are as indicated on Patriarchal Blessings. We are commanded to "actively seek" these gifts, and merit their constant attendance. Refer February 1996 Newsletter.


We are then prepared to participate in the greatest and most blessed character virtue in all of humanity, that of charity, or we learn to be as Christ. It is the main fabric through which all other virtues weave to make the perfect tapestry of life. However to possess charity, we must be pure in heart, chaste, and filled with faith; we must abide in hope, serve spontaneously with love, lift, bless, obey, wear out our lives in service, respond, give to the poor, bless the widow and orphan, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, judge not, seek not for glory or praise, forgive without reservation, and love with all our hearts - only then do we begin to approach charity.


Charity is a motivating force so powerful that it overrides all selfishness, vanity, false pity, arrogance, pride, deceit, and desire for praise. Charity receives no pleasure out of humiliation, embarrassment, jealousy, revenge, undeserved praise, or unearned titles or positions. When all possess charity in this mission, the "grapevine" will cease to exist. Our thoughts will be pure of everyone. Ultimately, if we are possessors of charity, we will be possessed by Him, who is the author of charity, even Jesus Christ.


At the base of this pyramid however, is the strongest feature, "For His Glory", that of the Father, not our own.


Our love and prayers are with you always. Pres & Sis John Bailey